Francés | Subs: Castellano/English (muxed)
123 min | x264 1920x1080 | 8000 kb/s | 192 kb/s AC3 | 25 fps
HDTV rip | 7,04 GB
123 min | x264 1920x1080 | 8000 kb/s | 192 kb/s AC3 | 25 fps
HDTV rip | 7,04 GB
En una colonia francesa en 1938, Lucien es un policía de un pequeño
pueblo al que casi nadie toma en serio, incluida su mujer. No tiene
autoridad y hace la vista gorda ante pequeños delitos. Pero, un buen
día, Lucien va a cambiar por completo su forma de ser.
HDTV Rip bajado de un sitio francés ya desaparecido
With equal touches of Kafka, Genet, and Beckett, director Bertrand
Tavernier’s brilliant adaptation of Jim Thompson’s 1964 pulp paperback
Pop. 1280 takes place in an ethical No Man’s Land. Thompson novels are
all harrowing studies in amorality, tales in which we are forced to
identify with someone whom circumstances force to do terrible things—a
point of view that found perfect fruition in the darkness of American
film noir.
Coup de torchon is the story of a saintly madman in a world where the
concepts of good and evil have no meaning. The book tells the tale of a
corrupt small-town sheriff in the American south of 1910. Tavernier’s
change to 1930s French West Africa makes perfect sense. Not only is
racism similarly ingrained in both cultures, but the very first black
slaves to come to the New World originated in French West Africa—now
Senegal—where the film was shot.
Lucien Cordier, l'unique policier d'une petite bourgade africaine, est
la risée du village car tous les habitants savent que sa femme le trompe
ouvertement. Ne supportant plus la situation, celuici sombre peu à peu
dans une folie meurtrière...
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