03 octubre, 2023

Roy Andersson - En kärlekshistoria (1970)

Sueco | Subs: Castellano/English/Italiano/Português/Français (muxed)
119 min| x-264 1200 x 720 | 5000 kb/s | 192 kb/s AC3 | 24 fps
4,37 GB
Historia de amor
En Kärlekshistoria cuenta la historia de amor entre dos adolescentes de catorce años, Annika (Anne-Sofie Kylin) y Per (Rolf Sohlman), quienes vivirán y transitarán su relación en medio de un ambiente familiar hostil. El amor inocente entre estos dos jóvenes es contrastado con el mundo de los adultos, una clase media desilusionada y espiritualmente pobre, en plena época de la sociedad del bienestar.
Roy Andersson, en su primer largometraje, busca comparar las ilusiones, ingenuidad y tribulaciones de los adolescentes con la desolación, tristeza y absurdidad de la edad adulta, encontrando un punto de unión entre ambas edades en la desorientación que todos padecen.
A Swedish Love Story
Fifteen year-old Pär (Rolf Sohlman) and fourteen year-old Annika (Ann-Sofie Kylin) fall in love: around them swirl parents, friends, rivals – a series of microcosms which evoke a society apparently permissive, but secretly in tatters. According to a type of approach which the filmmaker will systematise in his subsequent works, the film proceeds in large, almost autonomous sequence-blocks, beginning with a visit involving the families of both adolescents to their close relations in a nursing home (this is, in fact, where the youths first meet), and ending with a party in a country estate where Annika’s parents are received by Pär’s family. - Jean A. Gili
A Swedish Love Story, in its manner of elaborating only the subtlest tones, never descends into caricature. Even the most pitiful characters are not left as mere cartoons; they retain a tragic humanity, and their ordinary drama is not just a demonstration of existential absurdity. In this light, Annika and Pär, in their awakening love, might be able to hope for some meaning in their lives. (Positiv)

Blu-ray rip de Cangarea

Selfies en 1970

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