Mongol | Subs: Castellano/English/Français/Deutsch (muxed)
96 min | x264 1920x1080 | 4000 kb/s | 192 kb/s AC3 | 24 fps
WEB rip 2,75 GB
WEB rip 2,75 GB
El huevo del dinosaurio
El cadáver de una mujer asesinada aparece en
la estepa de Mongolia. El
encargado de custodiarlo y de proteger la escena del crimen es un
policía novato que tendrá que esperar a que llegue su jefe el día
siguiente para la retirada del cuerpo. Llega la noche, y para protegerse
del frío, el joven policía baila las canciones que emite su teléfono
móvil. Finalmente es salvaguardado por la única pastora de la zona, a la
que llaman Dinosaurio, y que vive sola en las inmediaciones. Asiste a
su encuentro con un rifle para protegerse de los lobos, una cantimplora
con sopa de cordero recién hecha y una botella de una bebida alcohólica.
Juntos esperarán a que amanezca, para luego continuar con sus
respectivas vidas...
fría y desoladora estepa de Mongolia es la principal protagonista de
esta historia con unos protagonistas no profesionales que aportan cierta
verosimilitud y realismo a este pequeño guion con una primera parte muy
original e intimista, pero que en la segunda parte pierde algo de
naked woman is found murdered in the Mongolian steppe. Overnight, a
young and inexperienced policeman has to secure the crime scene. Since
he is not familiar with the dangers on site, a local herder is sent to
guard him and the body. This resolute woman in her mid-thirties knows
how to handle a rifle – and how to scare away wolves. She lights a fire
against the cold. Alcohol also helps them to stay warm. At her
instigation, the two get closer to each other. The next morning, they
will go their separate ways.
At the center of this film is a tenacious woman in the uninhabited
expanse of the steppe. This otherwise self-sufficient herder, known to
everyone as ‘dinosaur’, only tolerates her caring neighbour when there
is a problem with her herd. Anything that goes beyond that, she
brusquely rejects. As for herself and her future, she has her very own
plan, one which is related to the lonely landscape and its myths. The
setting of this film is far more than just a backdrop; rather, its own
singular reality seeps into the narrative. The story itself is full of
comic moments and surprising twists and turns; it also handles
existential themes in a beautifully casual fashion.
English subs are my own
WEB rip y capturas de energeia
subtítulos en castellano de tano_grasa
Publicada originalmente en 2021
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