31 agosto, 2023

Ján Kadár / Elmar Klos - Obchod na korze (1965)

Eslovaco | Subs: Castellano/English
125 min | x264 988x720 | 6000 kb/s |192 kb/s AC3 | 24 fps
5,4 GB 
La tienda en la calle mayor
 Anton Brtko (Jozef Króner) es un humilde carpintero en una pequeña ciudad eslovaca durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.Aunque observa con ironía y desprecio a los seguidores nazis que tratan de imponer su disciplina sobre la comunidad, erigir una absurda pirámide de madera en honor a nada y arianizar los comercios judíos locales, la presión de su esposa Evelina (Hana Slivková) y su cuñado Markus (Frantisek Zvarík), un caudillo fascista local, no deja de poner trabas a su tranquilidad. Cuando Markus le ofrece hacerse cargo, en calidad de ario, de la mercería de la anciana Sra Lautmann (Ida Kaminská), su vida queda trastocada.

Mientras Evelina se ilusiona con la idea de enriquecerse, Tono intenta hacer entender a la Sra Lautmann que queda relegada del negocio por ser judía, pero no sólo le resulta imposible a causa de la sordera de la mujer, sino que además entre ambos surge una relación de ternura y comprensión mutua. Las situaciones cómicas en la tienda se suceden mientras la fiebre antisemita se va intensificando en el exterior.
The Shop on Main Street
 During World War II, a Slovak man named Tono Brtko is offered the chance to take over the sewing store of an old Jewish woman named Rozália Lautmannová, as a part of the enactment of an Aryanization regulation in the town. While attempting to explain to Mrs. Lautmannová that he has come to replace her, a member of the Jewish community reveals to Brtko that the business itself is less than profitable, as Lautmannová herself relies on donations. The representative offers Brtko a substantial weekly payment in exchange for letting Mrs. Lautmannová believe he has only come to help her in the shop. Their relationship grows, until the authorities round up the entire Jewish population of Sabinov for transport, and Brtko finds himself conflicted as to whether he should turn in the senile Mrs. Lautmannová, or hide her.
Out of this simple situation, Jan Kadar and Elmar Klos, who made this film, have constructed a human drama that is a moving manifesto of the dark dilemma that confronted all people who were caught as witnesses to Hitler's terrible crime. "Is one his brother's keeper?" is the thundering question the situation asks, and then, as supplement, "Are not all men brothers?" The answer given is a grim acknowledgment.

BR rip y capturas de mfcorrea
subtítulos en castellano míos


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