Inglés | Subs: Castellano/English SDH (muxed)
63 min | x264 986x720 | 3700 kb/s | 192 kb/s AC3 | 23.976 fps
1,75 GB
63 min | x264 986x720 | 3700 kb/s | 192 kb/s AC3 | 23.976 fps
1,75 GB
El desconocido del tercer piso
Michael Ward es un periodista que se ve involucrado como testigo clave
para inculpar a su vecino, Joe Briggs, en un caso con pocas pruebas.
Briggs afirma tozudamente su inocencia, lo que retrae a Michael, El
periodista comienza a tener dudas, y preso de su ansiedad, sueña que
vive la situación contraria: él es el acusado y Briggs el testigo clave.
Dirigida por Boris Ingster, un emigrante ruso, la obra impresiona por su
mezcla de concisión y dislocación de la realidad con ayuda de
procedimientos que se acercan al guiñol, pero no cae en el ridículo. La
histeria de los protagonistas y la opacidad del conjunto dan una
sensación de claustrofobia al espectador. Reina la ambigüedad. El
inocente parece tan esquizofrénico como el culpable.
--- Noël Simsolo: “El
cine negro. Pesadillas verdaderas y falsas”
Though he doesn't speak his first line of dialogue until the film's
final ten minutes, Peter Lorre spiritually dominates the fascinating RKO
melodrama Stranger on the Third Floor. The plotline is carried by John
McGuire, playing Ward, a newspaper reporter whose courtroom testimony
sends the hapless Briggs (Elisha Cook Jr). to the death house. Ward is
certain that he saw Briggs leaving the scene of a murder, but as the
days pass, he is tortured by guilt and doubt -- especially during the
film's surrealistic knockout of a nightmare sequence. When another
murder is committed, Ward finds himself as much a victim of
circumstantial evidence as the unfortunate Briggs. The reporter's
girlfriend (Margaret Tallichet) tries to clear Ward....and that's when
she first makes the acquaintance of Lorre, who is heard ordering a pound
of raw meat! Stranger on the Third Floor was a "film noir" long prior
to the genesis of that cinematic movement. Long ignored or trivialized
by film historians, this 7-reel quickie has in recent years graduated to
classic status.
A bizarre gem about a newspaper reporter's guilt over sending an
innocent man to the electric chair because of his testimony. It offers a
cynical look at the entire legal system and how most people are
indifferent to injustice, but comes down particularly hard on those who
are part of the system: judges, cops, juries, crime reporters,
prosecutors, and defense attorneys for their lack of concern in seeing
that justice is carried out fairly. Even though the film begins and ends
on a trite happy note, it cannot take away a powerful dream sequence
that indicts society for its callous attitude. Peter Lorre shines as the
real lunatic murderer, in a role that is similar to the one he played
in Fritz Lang's M.
Blu-ray rip de origen desconocido, compartido por ronnie
La versión XviD anterior fue publicada en 2010
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