Bengalí | Subs: Castellano/English (muxed)
66 min | x264 768x576 | 3000 kb/s | 256 kb/s AC3 | 24 fps
1,51 GB
66 min | x264 768x576 | 3000 kb/s | 256 kb/s AC3 | 24 fps
1,51 GB
El santo
Gurupada es un abogado muy triste desde que enviudó. Padre de una hija,
Buchki, va a cambiar su vida cuando conoce al santón Birinchi Baba, que
asegura no tener edad, y haber departido a lo largo de vida con Jesús,
Platón, Buda, Einstein... Birinchi tiene muchos discípulos, y Gurupada
se unirá al grupo. La misma decisión tomará Buchki, aunque por razones
bien diversas: su novio Satya la ha decepcionado, y quiere provocarlo
con su nueva devoción. Esto empujará a Satya a tratar de demostrar que
Birinchi es un impostor.
Adaptación de un relato de Parashuram. Se trata de una fábula satírica
acerca de la credulidad y el engaño. En apenas una hora perfila la
psicología del charlatán y de quien está dispuesto a creer cualquier
cosas para evitar afrontar la realidad de la vida. (
The Saint
Returning from Nasik on a train, the lawyer Gurupodo (Prasad Mukherjee)
finds himself in the thrall of a seemingly wise Holy Man, Birinchi Baba
(Charuprakash Ghosh), with whom he is sharing a carriage. Troubled and
lost since the death of his wife a year ago, Gurupodo is looking for
direction and believes he has found it when he witnesses the “miracle”
of the Holy Man’s ability to make the sun rise …at dawn. He installs the
wise man in his house and not only becomes a disciple, he also intends
to induct his daughter Buchki (Gitali Roy) into the priesthood. This
causes rather a problem for Satta (Satindra Bhattacharya) who, in a
roundabout way, was intending to ask Buchki to marry him. As the Holy
Man makes claims that over his long lifetime he has been a teacher of
Plato, Leonardo da Vinci and Einstein, as well as being on to be on
first name terms with Buddha and having witnessed the Crucifixion of the
Christ, Satto hopes he can convince his learned group of scientific and
intellectual friends to expose him for the fraud he clearly is, and
perhaps impress Buchki with his brilliance in the process.
Further readingDVD rip y capturas de ronnie
Subtítulos en castellano míos, con ayuda de mi hijo Joaquín.
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